Cell Block
We used spreadsheets as a source of inspiration when designing PreQuilt. So, a cell block is one of the boxes (or cells) in the quilt. In the image, the cell block is selected, which is indicated by its blue outline around the cell.
In PreQuilt, clone is our term for copy or duplicate. Why did we decide to use this term? The back story is that when we were quite small, we were a bit quirkier. On one of our very early betas, we used an illustration of a sheep as our copy button, and we called it the Clone button. Think Dolly circa 1996. Alas, people were confused - why was a sheep here? So we changed the icon, but we kept the terminology.
Color Card (also Digital Color Card)
A Color Card is the digital reproduction of the collection of solid color fabric swatches that are offered by fabric manufacturers. PreQuilt is preloaded with digital color cards for all the major fabric manufacturers, such as Robert Kaufman's Kona color card, Art Gallery Fabric's Pure Elements, and Paintbrush Studio's Painter's Palette.
Color Randomizer
When a color tag is locked, its linked fabric will not be randomly replaced.
Color Tags
PreQuilt developed Color Tags as a way to apply a fabric to a quilt block piece or part of a quilt. Color tags can be linked to both solid color swatches and printed fabric swatches.
The action of tagging a block piece with a color tag links that fabric to that particular block piece. When the fabric used by a color tag is changed (from a solid to another solid or from a solid to a printed fabric swatch or from a printed fabric swatch to another printed fabric swatch), everything that is linked to that Color Tag will also change and be updated automatically.
In the example below, the fabric used by Color Tag A was changed from Kona black to Kona bright pink.
Coloring Page (also Digital Coloring Page)
Coloring Page Editor (also Digital Coloring Page Editor)
See Digital Coloring Page Editor
Colorways are combinations of colors that are grouped together in a collection and used in a quilt design. Each colorway variation can be saved in the Color Tag tab for later reference.
Control Panels
There are two types of control panels in PreQuilt: The Left-Side Control Panel and the central Toolbar. It's important to note that the Left Side Control Panel and Toolbar on the Block Editor are different from the ones that are on the Quilt Editor.
When on the Block Editor, these control panels are specific to editing and designing quilt blocks. When on the Quilt Editor, these control panels are specific to editing and designing the quilt.
-> Left Side Control Panel
The Left Side Control Panel has tabs that expand to reveal additional control panels for special features. To get a tab to expand, click on + sign on the bar. The other tabs will collapse.
-> Toolbar
The Toolbar, which is the central vertical control panel has several round buttons. These are quick access buttons that are used often.
Cornerstones are the smaller blocks that are formed when two pieces of sashing cross one another or meet.
Custom Quilt Block
A custom quilt block is a quilt block that you create from scratch, piece by piece, using the Block Editor. It can be saved in just the quilt or can be saved to your Block stash which is located on the Block Dashboard.
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